We leave tomorrow

OMG, we leave tomorrow!!! AIEEEE!

The house is as empty as we plan to make it. There’s still a bunch of stuff there, but we’ve decided to leave some of it for the next owner. Yard tools, like the weed whacker, paint (of course), and a few minor cleaning supplies that we don’t have room for (and when you’re moving in, it’s easy to forget to unpack the soap first, even though it’s the second thing you need). We left TP, too (the first thing you need).

So, for anyone local who missed it, the send-off party is tomorrow at Tony & Alba’s Pizza in Scotts Valley, from 12 Noon until 4 PM. Even if you didn’t RSVP (or didn’t get an invite), feel free to drop by and say good-bye. There will be much pizza, cake, and sodas. We’ll probably throw in a salad or three to boot. T&A’s has booze, but we’re not footing the bill on that one (are you kidding? Could you imagine trying to slake the thirst of all those Jeep guys? Hahahhah….) We’ll conduct tours of the rig throughout the day, though we won’t be leaving it open for various security and cat safety reasons.

Tonight, John is finalizing the tow system, and we’re still puzzling over how to tack the bikes to the rig+Jeep. We don’t have a good bike rack yet, so we might end up strapping everything to the ladder and praying. I packed a bunch of stuff away and cleaned inside the rig– still need to do some kitchen cleaning/dishwashing, and of course, we have to stow everything tomorrow morning before we drive to the restaurant.

We also need to drive down to Soquel, either tonight or tomorrow, to say good-bye to his mother. Since she doesn’t have a phone anymore, we might not talk to her again for a year or more.

On a personal note: We got massages yesterday. You probably think “Lucky duck!” and you’re imagining me all relaxed and happy. Not so. With very few exceptions, I find most massages to be excruciatingly painful experiences, because when I say “That’s too HARD,” for some reason the massage therapist thinks I mean just now at that moment, not for the rest of the massage. And because my bruises never really show on the surface of my skin, I have no external evidence I can point to to say “see? look! It HURT!” And yet I keep going back, because I hope that this time, I will have the MT who listens and gets it (btw: I can count the number of people I’ve received massages from who “get it” on one hand…. one of them being a high school friend, and another being my husband).

Which is the long way of saying: John felt good after the massage last night. I just had a migraine and woke up feeling worse than I did after the car accident. Whee. Today, I still hurt, but the headache is gone, at least.